Education on Women’s Health Offered by Icepharma
The Icepharma Academy was held with pomp and grandeur at the beginning of September, where pharmacy staff in the capital area were invited to visit, learn, and enjoy refreshments and good company. This year’s theme was Women’s Health, where guests attended educational talks by Ásdís Ragna, a herbalist, and Hanna Lilja, the founder of GynaMedica in Iceland.
The event was extremely well-attended, and meaningful discussions followed the presentations. Pharmacy staff were also given the opportunity to receive introductions to Icepharma’s products and services related to women’s health.
Icepharma will continue to share knowledge and products for women, all of which aim to support and promote women’s health in various ways.
A short video from the event can be accessed here.
Fleiri fréttir
Yfir 250 þúsund lyfjaskammtar hafa nú verið afhentir með sjálfvirka lyfjaskammtaranum frá Evondos hér á landi. Tvö ár eru liðin
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Í kjölfar Heilsu- og lífsstílsdaga Nettó, spratt upp hugmynd að samstarfsverkefni sem nú hefur verið efnt til. Verkefnið ber yfirskriftina;