Ósar invests in Greenfit
One of Ósar’s investment projects over the past year was acquiring a stake in the company Greenfit ehf.
Greenfit is a relatively young company, founded at the beginning of 2020. Since then, Greenfit has been a leader in health assessments in Iceland, with numerous Icelanders having undergone health screenings at Greenfit. Health screenings have been one of the most popular services over the years, offering a comprehensive check-up for individuals. These screenings consist of various measurements, such as blood tests, metabolic testing, blood pressure, stress tests, respiratory measurements, body composition, and grip strength.
Since Greenfit began offering health screenings, the company has grown and developed, now providing a diverse range of services. These include detailed health assessments, health coaching, running coaching, and nutrition coaching. Last year, the company also introduced red light therapy, cold therapy, and oxygen therapy, which have been met with tremendous success.
Ósar is a proud shareholder in Greenfit, as the company’s operations align well with the group’s future vision of promoting the health and well-being of the nation.
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