Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023
Investing in the Future
In 2023, Ósar further solidified its position as a leading entity in promoting the health and well-being of Icelanders. The company invested in enterprises with substantial experience and specialization in various sectors, engaged in numerous community-oriented health promotion projects, and invested in infrastructure and personnel to ensure a strong future.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Ósar and its subsidiaries provides a comprehensive overview of the group’s diverse initiatives that support social responsibility, giving a clear picture of the company’s operations and the significant role these entities play in the societal context.
CEO’s Address
Ósar and its subsidiaries are key players in the Icelandic market for health and healthy living, a position that has been earned through the group’s strong emphasis on continuous progress. In 2023, there was a particular focus on investments aimed at the future, which brought about several notable achievements.
Hordur Thorhallsson
Ósar CEO
Our Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility
At Ósar, sustainable development is a continuous journey that requires a holistic perspective and long-term thinking.
Ósar adheres to the Nasdaq ESG guidelines in our reporting, which transparently and comparably presents the results and development of the three main pillars of the ESG sustainability index.
Gender Equality
Proportion of women on the board and executive management team of the group.
Investment in Knowledge
Training events held in 2023 for the group’s employees.
Investment in Knowledge
Percentage of employees who attended training events organized by the group during the year.
Welfare Technology
Over 340 medication dispensers in use nationwide, dispensing more than 250,000 doses to users.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Ósar has established a policy on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development that applies to the entire company. This policy is built on four main pillars that shape the company’s priorities, goals, and key projects. Special emphasis is placed on adhering to four of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The four United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that reflect the company’s objectives and key projects are:
Health and well-being
Our goal is to positively impact people’s health and improve their quality of life.
Gender equality
Our goal is to ensure that the gender pay gap remains below 2%.
Decent work and economic growth
Our goal is to secure good jobs and operational security through sound business practices.
Heilsa og vellíðan
Markmið okkar er að hafa áhrif á heilsu fólks og auka lífsgæði.
Jafnrétti kynjanna
Góð atvinna og hagvöxtur
Markmið okkar er að tryggja góð störf og rekstraröryggi með heilbrigðum rekstri
Ósar’s Social Responsibility Goals for 2024
At Ósar, we emphasize improving health and promoting general well-being. Every day, we ensure that the nation has access to essential medicines and medical devices, and we are leaders in the sale of products related to sports, exercise, dietary supplements, and healthy eating in Iceland.
Corporate social responsibility is integrated into our operations and culture, and we aim to be at the forefront in Iceland in the promotion of health and wellbeing to all in Iceland. Additionally, we have set key sustainability goals for the coming years, reflecting our ambition for both healthy business practices and healthy lifestyles.