Communications and Compliance
Comments on misconduct
Here you can submit comments regarding misconduct. Misconduct involves e.g. that Ósar or Ósar’s employees have, in their work, been found to have performed illegal activity, caused damage to others or violated ethical and/or communication rules.
Submit a comment regarding misconduct (opens in the e-mail program)
The comment must be based on a substantiated suspicion of possible misconduct or breach. Notifications are received by KPMG, which processes notifications and sends them anonymously to the Director of Quality Management at Ósar. Ósar processes all notifications received. The person who submits the comment does not automatically become a party to the case and cannot demand information about the status of the investigation or development of the case. If a notification concerns a violation of the law, it is always reported to the police.
Who can submit a comment?
Anyone who believes they have information about possible misconduct or a breach in Ósar’s activities can submit a comment. This applies both to Ósar employees and others.
What happens after a comment is submitted?
When Ósar has received the notification anonymously from KPMG, a defined internal process begins at Ósar. Each comment is examined and its course determined. An investigation can be conducted internally with or without the involvement of KPMG or the police. Ósar can also entrust KPMG or the police with the investigation of the case without its involvement, depending on the nature of the case.
What information is necessary?
All evidence is desirable but not necessary. However, there must be a reasonable suspicion of misconduct or a breach. Ósar does not encourage the notifier to obtain further evidence on their own.