Social Factors Reporting 2023
Icepharma Parlogis Ósar Group
Indicator Measure 2023 2023 2023
S1 CEO Wage Proportion
Proportion of the total wages of the CEO and the median total wage of full-time employees Not compiled Not compiled Not compiled
Is this percentage stated by the company in reporting to the authorities? Yes/No No No No
S2 Gender Pay Gap
The ratio of the median of men’s wage payments to the median of women’s wage payments 1.0 0.9 0.9
S3 Employee Turnover
Annual change of full-time employees, in percentages *all employees – no distinction made between full-time employees and lower employment ratio 21% 18% 19%
Annual change of part-time staff, in percentages Not compiled Not compiled Not compiled
Annual change of contractors and/or consultants, in percentages N/A N/A N/A
S4 Gender Diversity
Gender ratio within the company, in percentages (men) 24% 41% 33%
Gender ratio in entry-level jobs and next employment level above, in percentages (managers) Not compiled Not compiled Not compiled
Gender ratio in top-level jobs and as managing directors, in percentages (men) 50% 40% 50%
S5 Proportion of Temporary Staff
Percentage of part-time staff 6% 5% 5%
Percentage of contractors and/or consultants 0% 0% 0%
S6 Anti-Discrimination Action
Does your company follow a Sexual Harassment and/or Equality Policy? Yes/No Yes Yes Yes
S7 Frequency of Occupational Accidents
Frequency of accident-related incidents based on total labour force, in percentages Not compiled Not compiled Not compiled
S8 Global Health and Safety
Does your company follow an Occupational Health Policy and/or a Global Health and Safety Policy? Yes/No Yes Yes Yes
S9 Child and Forced Labour
Does your company follow an Anti-Child and/or Forced Labour Policy? Yes/No Yes Yes Yes
If yes, does the Anti-Child and/or Forced Labour Policy also apply to suppliers and sellers? Yes/No No No No
S10 Human Rights
Does your company follow a Human Rights Policy? Yes/No Yes Yes Yes