Over 250,000 Medication Doses Delivered with Evondos
Over 250,000 medication doses have now been delivered using the Evondos automatic medication dispenser in Iceland.
It has been two years since the first medication dispensers were introduced into private homes, and already over three hundred individuals have used the service in Iceland with excellent results.
Evondos is an automatic medication dispenser that is well-suited for individuals living at home who need daily or more frequent assistance and follow-up with taking their medications. The Evondos dispenser ensures the right medication at the right time. Medication rolls with individual dose bags can be placed into the device, sufficient for up to a month if the individual takes medication twice a day. The device reads the information printed on each dose bag and provides a reminder in Icelandic, an audio signal/voice guidance, and a notification on the screen when the individual is supposed to take their medication.
The Evondos dispenser is one of the many products introduced into the Icelandic healthcare system in recent years by Icepharma’s welfare technology division. One of the main goals of Icepharma’s welfare technology division is to improve people’s quality of life and independence, enabling them to live safely at home for longer.
Fleiri fréttir
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