Environmental factors influence health

Environmental factors can directly influence people’s health, and this is why it is important look at all pillars of sustainable development in context so that we can seek to maximise economic and social well-being without harming the environment. The Group focuses on minimising the environmental impact of its entire value chain, creating a safe operation without any negative impact on the environment.

Continuing environmental impact assessment

Environmental issues play an increasingly important role in our operations, and the Group has begun mapping the environmental impact of its operations. The mapping of the carbon footprint lays the foundation for improved performance through awareness-raising among stakeholders and specific remedial action. The goal is to achieve even better control of the carbon footprint, reduce it as much as possible, and carbon offset the remainder, thus contributing to carbon-neutral operations.

The environmental hero of Ósar

In October 2022 Ósar and subsidiaries started an ideas competition where employees were given the opportunity to provide ways to decrease the negative impact of the operations on the environment.

An independent committee was appointed to evaluate more than 70 fantastic ideas that were submitted and pick the best one. The winning idea was that of Bryndís Sunna Valdimarsdóttir, business manager in the health and sports division of Icepharma.

Integral work towards common goals

In the past, Icepharma and Parlogis have followed their own environmental policies, and in 2023 a new joint environmental policy will be implemented for Ósar and subsidiaries. It will place a joint emphasis on the importance of managing the Group’s operations for the benefit of the environment, increase knowledge and general awareness, and improve processes to ensure that all employees pay attention to environmental aspects in their daily work.

In continuation, the companies will separately and annually set ambitious environmental goals and introduce them to employees alongside education on how we can work towards our goals in cooperation.

Sorting as priority

Mid-year 2022, better sorting of waste was made a priority in order to reduce the formation of waste and promote the creation of a recycling society. We are working on the first goal, which is to improve facilities and labelling for correct sorting of paper, plastic, organic, and mixed waste, in the canteen of Ósar. The work on the new system should be over in late 2023.

Bottles & cans

Plastic packaging

Paper & paperboard

Mixed waste

Organic waste

Ósar’s 2022 Carbon Accounting

Many factors need to be considered when the environmental impact of the Group is assessed. Consultants at Mannvit have assisted us in calculations of the carbon accounting of the Group where emission standards from UST (The Environment Agency) are used for all factors except for heating utility and air transport. For heating utility, information from Veitur are utilised, and for air transport, a calculator from ICAO that calculates the carbon emissions of air travel is used.

The 2022 Carbon Accounting of Ósar includes the following factors:

Scope 1: Direct impact.
Emissions from operations

  • Fleet fuel use
  • Fuel use for back-up generators, if applicable

Scope 2: Direct impact. Electricity and heating

  • The company’s use of electricity plus electricity for fleet
  • Hot water consumption

Scope 3: Indirect impact.

  • Waste and recycling
  • Domestic and international flights
  • Commutes of employees

In 2022, emphasis was placed on increased information gathering for more emission factors under Scope 3, and this will continue in 2023.

ScopeFleetElectricityHeatWasteFlightsCommutes of employeesRental carsTotal tCO2 in g/year
Scope 1 154,3154,3
Scope 210,34,415,0
Scope 310,744,90,00,055,6

Icepharma’s Carbon Sequestration

Icepharma has been carbon sequestering its operations in collaboration with Kolvid since 2019. This continued in 2022 until Kolvid confirmed at the end of the year that Icepharma had carbon sequestered its operations for 2021.